Nyi Rara Kidul

Tokoh                  :
Ø  Nyi  Roro Kidul (Ratna Dewi Suwido)  
Ø  Prabu Munding Sari                                          
Ø  Ibu Ratna                                                
Ø  Permaisuri                                                         
Ø  Tukang Tenun                                        
Ø  Kakek Ibu Ratna                                    
Ø  Pengawal                                                

As it is say, in Pajajaran Purba kingdom there is a king, his name is Prabu Mundingsari. His peoples very like him, because he is handsome and wise king. Prabu Mundingsari’s hobby is hunting animal in the jungle with his guard. Someday, he goes hunt with his guard in the jungle. But, when Prabu Mundingsari take a rests, he fall sleep under the tree.
Prabu Mundingsari : “Guard… prepares everything… need to hunt in the jungle!”
Guard                                   : “Quickly…my majesty!”
                      (Five minutes later)
Guard                                   : “My majesty, everything you need is ready.”
Prabu Mundingsari : “Good… comes one! Let’s go to the jungle.”
                      (After arrived in the jungle)
Guard                                   : “Majesty… majesty! Look! A deer back side the shrubs!
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Come on guard…! More fastly! Before it’s gone! Oh no…!!! I lost it…!!! Huh…!”
Guard                         : “Don’t be disappointed, my majesty, you are a great hunter. You will find other big animal. Now, you should take a rest here, I will take the water in the river near here.”
Prabu Mundingsari : “O.k.! thanks my guard go take the water.”
                      Soft blowing of breeze in that jungle, makes Prabu Mundingsari fall sleep. When he is on half sleep condition, he feels there are a people near him. He shocks and wakes up quickly. In front of his face, there is a beautiful woman stand and smile to him.
Prabu Mundingsari : “Hey…!!! Who are you?”
The woman                : “I am grandchild from the king of this jungle. Are you Prabu Mundingsari from Pajajaran?”
Prabu Mundingsari : “Yes, I am. What’s up?”
The woman                : “You seem get lost and separated from your guard. Will you drop in my grandpa’s palace while take a rest there?”     
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Hmm… you are a kind and polite woman. I can’t reject your invitation. I will follow you to go to your grandpa’s palace.”
The woman                : “Thank you, my majesty. Let’s go…!”
                           (In the grandpa’s palace)
Grandpa                     : “Welcome to my palace, Prabu Mundingsari, although not more beautiful than your palace. I hope you like stay here. My grandchild very loves you. Your face is brought to her dream. About your getting lost, I set it. Will you marry her?”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Hmmm… yes, I will marry her.”
           Finally, Prabu Mundingsari getting married with the king of jungles grandchild after some month, Prabu Mundingsari talk to her wife.
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Honey… I think long time, I live Pajajaran palace. I will visit it and see how my peoples condition.”
The woman                : “Alrigth… my love. But, once or more, come in here to visit me.”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Calm down, honey… We will always together.”
Prabu Mundingsari has left the jungle and arrives in Pajajaran palace. He is welcomed by his first wife and his peoples in the palace. And then, he back to govern his kingdom.
The Queen                  : “My love… where do you go? I am very miss you. I can’t live without you. Don’t leave me, again.”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “I got lost in the jungle and I can find way to go to here. But, now I am here with you.”
                                    After some month, Prabu mundingsari get a dream in his sleep.
The woman                : “My husband… that baby is our child. I entrust her to you for growed up in human world.”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “In human world? What do you mean honey?”
The woman                : “In fact, I come from ghost world.”
          And then, his dream finishes. There is a baby on his bed. He gives the baby a name Ratna Dewi Suwido. The queen Feel unpleased with present of Dewi Suwido. Eighteen years later, Dewi Suwido grows to be a very beautiful girl. Many men want to marry her. This case more and more make the queen unpleased. That’s why she goes to a witch.
The Queen                : “I want her chased away by the king!”
Witch                                    : “Calm down, my queen. Don’t worry, that’s an easy job for me.”
The Queen                  : “Remember, I want her face is damage until no one want to see her.”
On the night, the witches send her witchcraft to Dewi Suwido. In the morning, Dewi Suwido wakes up from her sleep.
Dewi Suwido              : “Ught! My head feel heavy. My face skin feels thick. I need to see my shadow in the mirror. Oh no…!!! What happen with my face… is it right it’s my face?? Why it can be like that?”
Because shy with her face, she lock up herself in her room. The queen give know Prabu that Dewi Suwido suffers a killer disease.
The Queen                  : “My husband… Dewi Suwido suffers a killer disease. She must go out from this kingdom before the disease spreads.”     
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Is that right? Oh my god… I am not daring to do that.”
The Queen                  : “But you must do it. Do it now!”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Dewi… Dewi…open the door! I must talk to you.”
Dewi Suwido              : “What’s up, dad?”
Prabu Mundingsari   : “Dewi… you suffer a killer disease, my daughter. That disease is one of danger and killer disease. I feel very regret. But, you must go out from the kingdom. Guard…!!! Deliver Dewi Suwido in the jungle.”
Guard                         : “Quickly, my majesty.”
At shore of the jungle, the guard leaves her. She doesn’t know where she will go. Finally, Dewi Suwido arrives in Kombang Mountain. Then, she ask clue and make her face back to beautiful again to god. After many years, she hears a voice.
Grandpa                     : “My grandchild, Dewi Suwido…!!! If you want your face back to beautiful again, walk to south. You must enter to south sea and allied with it. And never back to human world.”
After hear the voice, she is doing that. After arrive at sleep beach…   
Dewi Suwido                        : “I will do it, I believe that voice.”
After appear again from the sea water, all of her disease is gone. She beautifully is back. The people that live near South sea, believe that Dewi Suwido still live and be the queen in south sea. She is called Nyi Rara Kidul.                                                      


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